Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management Organisation

Question: Discuss about theManagement Organisation. Answer: What Motivates you to Work? Motivation can be described as an individuals internal character, which can be concerned with, approach optimistic encouragement, and avoid pessimistic encouragement. An encouragement can be some expected reward that is available in the environment (Petri and Govern 2012). Organizations need to understand that it is important to structure a positive work environment to encourage productive behaviours and discourage unproductive work motivation. The manager should always motivate their employees by doing certain things in the workplace. Human nature can be different from person to person. Effective management and leadership skills are required to enhance employee motivation in the workplace. Fredrick Herzbergs theory of motivation discusses two factors of Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction (Smith and Shields 2013). Hygiene factors: It includes the company policies, job security, salary, and relationship with co-workers, status, physical environment and more. Motivation factor: It includes Recognition, promotion, responsibility, growth, achievement and more. There are certain things that motivates me to work. Status: Status discusses about the position of an individual in the organisation. Status can be high or low. The rank of an employee is directly connected with the authority and responsibility. Everyone has a wish to work on a higher position. Thus, the employee will be motivated by moving up the position or rank. The attainment of higher status fulfils the physiological, communal and esteems needs. Environment: Working system in an organization includes the individual independence, awards, importance of the employee in the organization and many more. A better environment in the organization can affect the performance of the employee (Rijn et al. 2013). Career development opportunity: Every employee works for the promotion in the organization. Promotion is a step towards the advancement. Proper training and development amenities have to be provided for the member of staff. Employees certainly get motivated with promotion. Job enrichment: Every employee feels proud of getting a job, which has some power, responsibility and a large scale of challenges. There has to be a lot of scope for personal development and freedom to take decisions. Employee recognition: Employees have their own identity as they wishes to be an important part of the organization. Fe w small things, such as honouring the employee for good work, merit certificate, displaying employee achievement and more can help in motivating the employee (Pinder 2014). Job security: An important factor motivates most of the employee. The stability of the job will encourage the employee to work towards the companys goal. Insecurity will continue to trouble the employee. Employee empowerment: It means giving more power and freedom to the employees to take important decisions. Decision making power helps the employees to believe that they are an important part of the organization and it motivates them more towards the work. Surprisingly, factors such as pay have been given lower rating by the theories of motivation factors. Thus, money is not the major motivator to work. An individual should be happy to work in an environment where the employee can work freely and has the opportunity to grow in life. References: Petri, H.L. and Govern, J.M., 2012. Motivation: Theory, research, and application. Cengage Learning. Pinder, C.C., 2014. Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press. Rijn, M.B.V., Yang, H. and Sanders, K., 2013. Understanding employees' informal workplace learning: The joint influence of career motivation and self-construal. Career development international, 18(6), pp.610-628. Smith, D.B. and Shields, J., 2013. Factors related to social service workers' job satisfaction: Revisiting Herzberg's motivation to work. Administration in Social Work, 37(2), pp.189-198.

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